Sunday 17 March 2013

2013 rudegyalperfect !

Hi people around me!
Today I am gonna talk about the different features of my msp level!
 So my msp level is level 2 as you can see and I have my friend Glitter-cherry
she is so nice and her cousin or friend 
helped me on youtube and i was happy so thanks both of you.And if you lot scroll down you will see my level two 
in the picture if u look closely if i can see
it you can see it!!!!! 
 Here is a picture of Glitter-cherry and here cousin
or friend el-derpo! Sorry i carnt get el-derpos picture on!But at least i have Glitter-cherrys photo.

If you can see here best friends the boy is called:GangnamStyle00123,the pink girl is bLaCK TuLIP and the
other girl is called el derpo! And also she is my friend 
like I said before if I did but I might of forgot she is!

Now I am moving on to talk about my level as I said.
So my level is 2 and I carnt get to level 3 !
So guys PLZ help me on it if u give me a auto and follow me on this follow ishacool too if you dont wanna you dont have too bec if she dosent wanna talk to you then leave her alone but i am not saying this to my friends i am saying it to the people who disobey ishacool and also follow her friends!
PICTURE OF BEAUTIFUL ISHACOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And same as el derpo I carnt get ishacool's picture on. So bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Made bye zara khan 
msp name: rudegyalperfect


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